Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Preparation is the most important word when it comes to photography. Think about it if a catwalk model didn't prepare would you pay one of your models to look like a dogs dinner when they are advertising your products , i dont think so  therefore its all about preparation.

 As a photographer I need to plan every aspect or possible aspect of my photoshoots. As a customer taking part in a shoot you need to be ready both physically and emotionally . There is questions you need to ask yourself will you be happy displaying a photograph of myself for your friends and family to see and  also will you be happy to post this image online because at the end of the day the world is watching when you post online.

Just a few tips to give you all before you set out.

Be prepared and be aware people.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Christmas Packages

Gold Package :    Two hours photoshoot in studio or on location with two 12 *10 mounted prints, one 10*8 framed print and four 6*8 prints all for the low price of €175

Silver Package :  One and a half hour photoshoot in studio or location with one 12*10 mounted print, one 10*8 framed print and three 6*8 prints all for the low price of €150

Bronze Package : One hour photoshoot in studio  with two 10*8 print and two 6*8 prints for the low price of € 100

*extra prints available *

contact us with any enquiries on 0861946219 or deisephotography1@gmail.com

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Christmas portraits

Christmas is a time for families to be together and for memories to be made. With the art of photography and the digital era we live in, photography has come a long way and with this in mind  we can make your memories last a life time.

We specialise in family portraits in a very friendly relaxed  and unintrusive atmosphere. Here at Deise photography we will do our very best to work around your needs to bring you the best photoshoot that will work for you.

We also offer a mobile service in which we can come to you .As a parent myself  I  know how difficult it can be getting kids ready and relaxed for a photoshoot so if we can do a photoshoot in your home or someplace special for you and your family dont hesitate to ask we are here you to make life as easy as possible for you.